It also states: “The re-colonization of Ireland from Britain has been in two waves, with the first woodpeckers arriving in Northern Ireland and breeding there in 2006. The great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) is a medium-sized woodpecker with pied black and white plumage and a red patch on the lower belly. The Great Spotted Woodpecker - known officially as "Dendrocopos majoras" and as "Mórchnagaire breac" in Irish - has recently been sighted in Counties Wicklow and Down, making it the first species of woodpecker ever to settle in Ireland. There are four woodpecker species found in the UK - all are largely absent from Ireland. The woodpecker has become a regular visitor to my garden. X91 R7YV. Any woodpecker fan could also check for something obvious - tree holes. They prefer to dig them in dead trunks or branches, especially in 'towers' or dead standing trees with broken-off branches. These three species, along with many others in mainland Europe, don't seem to like crossing large bodies of water. The year-round BTO Garden BirdWatch survey reveals that their numbers around our homes have increased by almost 50 per cent since 2003, with new areas in Scotland and Ireland being colonised. Examples include: Tawny Owl, Willow Tit, Marsh Tit, Nuthatch and most woodpecker species. Across most of its range it is resident, but in the north some will migrate if the conifer cone crop fails. The fact that Ireland has been an isolated Island for over 8,000 years means that several species, widespread in Britain and elsewhere in Europe, that do not move great distances are absent. The good news for fans of great spotted woodpeckers is that their numbers are on the up. Are they spreading into all parts of Ireland? Males and young birds also have red markings on the neck or head. Woodpeckers have gradually been moving into Ireland over the past decade and have now been sighted as far west as Fermanagh and Tyrone, according to RSPB NI director Dr James Robinson. Green, great spotted and lesser spotted woodpeckers generally stay in the same area all year round. This species is found across the Palearctic including parts of North Africa. Great Spotted, Green, and Lesser Spotted all breed there, and six additional woodpeckers are found in mainland Europe (Grey-headed, Black, Syrian, Middle Spotted, White-backed, and … Home Topics Recreation & Hobbies Nature & Bird Watching Woodpeckers in Ireland Notices Welcome to; here are some tips and tricks to help you get started. Store Details: The Glenville Centre, Dunmore Road, Waterford, Ireland. Great Spotted Woodpeckers have been back in Northern Ireland for about 10 years - their recolonisation of Ireland is probably a consequence of very strong population increases in Great Britain. Tel: (051) 852 808 Email: They are still quite rare though. Woodpeckers may have been newcomers to Ireland, but they’ve long been well known across the Irish Sea in Britain. Well spotted :)
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