It may mean several things. The meaning of Yeshua is "G-d is salvation". Continuous. Yeshua Hamashiach means “Jesus the Messiah". What Does Name "Yeshua" Mean You have a strong need for freedom - physical, mental and spiritual. I reject this view totally! As for the name Jesus, yes, it probably came from some Greek alternative to Yeshua, although it being widely accepted as the English translation is important to note. In reality, I view this prior human being (Rabbi, prophet, Messiah) as a humble SERVANT of Jehovah God (while living on this planet from around 4 B.C. ; According to a user from the United Kingdom, the name Yeshua is of Hebrew origin and means "Jehovah has become our salvation". The name Yeshua/Jeshua is the Aramaic form of the Hebrew name יהושוע (yehoshua, Strong’s #3091), which means “Yah is salvation.”. Information and translations of Yeshu in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … What does Yeshua mean? Here’s why I wanted to get to this, because what your cousin does is something really, really powerful. From his point of view, “Life” with a capital “L” is found when one gets his name in the Lamb’s Book of Life and can eat from the tree of life. You are willing to take spiritual matters on faith instead of subjecting them to mental analysis.You are inventive, intuitive and extremely methodical. When non-Messianic Jews use this name, it is an intentionally derogatory name for Yeshua. The name Yeshua was known and used in Jewish history – you can find men called Yeshua in the roll calls of teams serving in the temple (1 Chronicles 24:11, 2 Chronicles 31:15, Ezra 2:2,6,36). What does Jeshua mean? But when translated from Hebrew into Koine Greek, the original language of the New Testament, the name Yeshua becomes Iēsous. 0. A first-hand examination of the material does not give the result 7-3, which Lapide maintains, but rather 10-0 -- for Yeshu. When I started walking with Yeshua, I was confused at what God wanted from me what it meant to Follow Yeshua. jes-hua, je-sh-ua] The baby boy name Jeshua is pronounced as JH EH-SHuwAH †. Yeshua Hamashiach means … It’s a matter of perspective. Yeshua is a variant form of the English Joshua. "Abide", according to Merriam Webster online, means to wait for, to endure without yielding, to bear patiently, to accept without objection, to remain stable or in a fixed state, to continue in a place, to conform to, to acquiesce in. But these names do not mean the same thing. What does Yeshu mean? ; A user from Indonesia says the name Yeshua is of Hebrew origin and means "Jehovah our salvation". Yeshua is generally used as a boy's name. Jesus’ name in Hebrew was “Yeshua” which translates to English as Joshua.So how did we get the name “Jesus”? Yehoshua is generally used as a boy's name. Pronounce Jeshua [ syll. ... Thursday was originally Thor’s Day, but what it originally meant has nothing to do with its current meaning. It is not clear what Lapide means when he says that it is "both historically and philologically correct". But what does this MEAN in reality? The point Yeshua made is – I have come to fulfill the Law & Prophets – is becoming much more clear. The name Yehoshua is of Hebrew origin. In Greek, Yeshu’a becomes Lesous, and that is the name we translate into English as Jesus. The name "Yeshua" is what Jesus would have been called by His contemporaries. Definition of Yeshu in the dictionary. Outside the city, conditions are not nearly as good as they are inside the city. They are often referred to as Hebrew Christians. What does the name Yeshua mean? Meaning of Yeshu. In English, Iēsous becomes Jesus. Joshua does appear to have a meaning built around the phrase or thought, “Yahweh is salvation.” Also, Hosea does come from the Hebrew root word that means salvation or deliverer. A rabbinic word-play, from the original Hebrew words: "Yemach Shmo u'Zikro". His name literally means "YHWH is salvation". When he talks about what Yeshua meant, he immediately goes to something that I think when you see that verse, you might go to. YESHU (remember, this is an acronym, meaning "may his name be blotted out", referring to the scroll of life). Each name of God conveys a different meaning, and Yeshua Hamashiach reminds us of Jesus’ witness to the Jewish people on earth, his Jewish heritage, and we are reminded of how the New Testament completes the set-up of the Old Testament. The meaning of Yehoshua is "G-d is salvation". Yeshua is literally a transliteration of the Messiah's Hebrew Name, pronounced "Yea-shu-ah" with the "Yea" rhyming with "bay". What does Yeshua mean? Bible Answer: Yeshua is the name commonly used among Jews who believe that Jesus is their Messiah. You have love of beauty and philosophy, and you desire achievement. User Submitted Meanings. The name Yeshua is of Aramaic and Hebrew origin. What does this really mean: Yeshua HaMashiach. YHWH, pronounced (we believe) as Yahweh, is God the Father's personal name. When I took the step to Follow Yeshua I knew it would be difficult, but I’m loving it! The name "Yeshu" is actually an acronym for the formula (ימח שמו וזכרו(נו (Y'mach Sh'mo V'Zichro) meaning "may his name and memory be obliterated." You follow in His footsteps, you do what He does. What does it mean to abide in Yeshua? Certain schools of thought believe that this is the only name for Jesus, and that Jesus’ name itself was derived from the Greek spelling of Zeus. In as much as all names are of eternal value, being spirit in nature, YESHUA is, no doubt, the name that the Savior is forever known by in Heaven, and must thus be accepted by all on Earth forever and ever. And certainly, after I studied it, I went to it. It’s a time to reflect on deliverance and the Exodus, but it’s also a time to reflect on the meaning of Yeshua’s deliverance. As this word is one of several proper names derived from the stem Y, SH, A - י.ש.ע The name Yeshu’a, or Yeshua, which is Jesus’s proper Hebrew name, was a common name in the period around the first centuries. to 33 A.D.). The words that I speak with you are spirit and life.” There are no other words in your bible that say they are spirit and life...understand that. Forget about the translation that we see, “the poor in spirit”. Does this mean that the ‘glorified’ Yeshua (Lamb) is God Almighty? Shared with Moses in Exodus… It is progressive. Thus, Yeshua and, correspondingly, Joshua and Jesus mean “Yahweh saves” or “the Lord is salvation.” It’s a version of Joshua, and it means “salvation”. The English spelling of the Hebrew Yeshua is Joshua. Right now our world is experiencing the most intense trial with the much needed message of hope. And will lead to obedience of the commandments. by Rabbi Hector Gomez on February 18th, 2015. It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Ye-shu-a. Yair. But most readers of English translations do not understand what Yeshua meant by “fulfill.” We will unlock its meaning in the next blog. Yeshua or Yeshu - What does it mean? Hold to the Teaching of Yeshua Believing in Yeshua the Messiah and His finished work on the cross fulfills what God requires of the believer for salvation. Yeshua is the Hebrew name, and its English spelling is “Joshua.”Iesous is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name, and its English spelling is “Jesus.” Thus, the names “Joshua” and “Jesus” are essentially the same; both are English pronunciations … yes-hua, ye-sh-ua] The baby boy name Yeshua is pronounced Yeh-SHuw-aa- †. Iesous is not a translation of Jesus’ name in Hebrew, but rather it is a transliteration. The Talmud records Yahusha's Name as "YESHU" (seen in modern translations as JESCHU), a form which denigrates Him and promotes the "secret" acronym's meaning. Yehoshua, and therefore Yeshua as well, means “the Lord is salvation.” In the Greek New Covenant, the word used for Jesus is Iesous (ee-ay-SOOS). The Yeshua Pictographs Today's Hebrew study will focus on the name of our Messiah in Hebrew which is 'Yeshua'. In other words, you live where Yeshua lives. This Hebrew name is “YESHUA”, which means “Salvation”. Jeshua is a variant spelling of the name Joshua (English). A user from Wisconsin, U.S. says the name Yeshua is of Hebrew origin and means "Salvation or The LORD saves". You hate bondage in any form. A dear Jewish friend calls himself a “completed Jew.” Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus. Why do we say Jesus instead of Yeshua? It consists of 8 letters and 4 syllables and is pronounced Ye-ho-shu-a. What was Jesus’s real name? Jeshua is largely used in the Hebrew language and it is also derived from Hebrew origins. Ask an American what Thursday means, and the answer will probably be, the day of the week that comes after Wednesday. Yeshu (Hebrew: יֵשׁוּ ‎ Yēšū) is the name of an individual or individuals mentioned in rabbinic literature, which historically has been assumed to be a reference to Jesus when used in the Talmud.The name Yeshu is also used in other sources before and after the completion of the Babylonian Talmud.It is also the modern Israeli spelling of Jesus. Yeshua comes from the root Hebrew word yasha, which means “to deliver or save.” Here is a short list of what the word yasha , and the name Jesus or Yeshua, encompasses… Saved in battle Yeshua has its origins in the Hebrew language, and it is used largely in Hebrew and Yiddish. I love how the teaching is easy to relate to and practical, it really get’s to the heart of the scriptures. Not only does it affirm a high Christology of Yeshua being God, it very much defends the view that while understanding all of the intricacies of Yeshua being God is not required for salvation, recognizing Yeshua as the Lord (YHWH/YHVH) of the Tanach Scriptures (Old Testament) most certainly is required for salvation (Romans 10:9, 13; cf. The Given Name Yeshua. The answer is in understanding what Yeshua meant by his use of the word “life”. But this belief is continual. What does Jeshua mean in Hebrew? What does Yeshua say about His words? When Yeshua said to pray in his name, I believe it meant more than adding his name to our prayers. As an example Yeshua made this statement to t he Jews who had believed him. Yohannan 6:63 “ The Spirit is The Life Giver; the body does not benefit anything. The form of Yeshua is mentioned in five books, but in none of them is it used generally, which Yeshu is. Passover season is here! That is, they have accepted Jesus as their God, Savior, and Lord. Pronounce Yeshua [ 3 syll. As believers, we too need a fresh perspective and living word from our God.
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