tendo Achil´lis ( tendo calca´neus) Achilles tendon. tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus muscle. Tendon Definition. Tendo Achilles; Tendo calcaneus; Tendon; Tendon, Achilles; Tendon, patellar; Tendonitis, Achilles; Tendonitis, patellar; Tendonopathy; Tendonopathy, patellar; Tenesmus; Tenia; Tennis elbow; Tenormin; Tenosynovitis, De Quervain's; Tension; Tension pneumothorax; Tension, arterial; Tension, intraocular; Tension, intravenous; Tent, oxygen; Tenth … Tendons are thick bands of tissue that connect muscles to bone. As contribuicoes brasileiras sobre conflitos armados dentro do campo das Relacoes Internacionais (2007-2017)/Brazilian contributions on armed conflicts within the field of International Relations (2007-2017), A selection over Nilza Haertel's graphic production: 1980 to 1990/Um recorte da producao grafica de Nilza Haertel: 1980 a 1990, 92 MIL ACESSOS NA RBNE EM 2017, CRESCIMENTO DE 47% EM RELACAO A 2016, tendinous intersections of rectus abdominis, tendinous sheath of abductor pollicis longus, tendinous sheath of extensor carpi radialis muscles, tendinous sheath of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle, tendinous sheath of extensor digiti minimi muscle, tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscles, tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot, tendinous sheath of extensor hallucis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of extensor pollicis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of flexor carpi radialis muscle, tendinous sheath of flexor digitorum longus muscle (of foot), tendinous sheath of flexor hallucis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of superior oblique muscle, tendinous sheath of tibialis anterior muscle, tendinous sheath of tibialis posterior muscle, tendinous sheath of flexor digitorum longus muscle of foot. It often occurs in the shoulder, knee, elbow, heel, or wrist. Tendinopathy usually causes pain, stiffness, and loss of strength in the affected area. Here you can find out more about Tendo, the development and the people behind it. : a tough cord or band of dense white fibrous connective tissue that unites a muscle with some other part, transmits the force which the muscle exerts, and is continuous with the connective-tissue epimysium and perimysium of the muscle and when inserted into a bone with the periosteum of the bone. A nondistensible fibrous cord or band of variable length that is the part of the muscle (some authorities, however, consider it as part of the muscle complex), which connects the fleshy (contractile) part of muscle with its bony attachment or other structure; it may unite with the fleshy part of the muscle at its extremity or may run along the side or in the center of the fleshy part for a longer or shorter distance, receiving the muscular fibers along its border; when determining the length of a muscle, the tendon length is included as well as the fleshy part; it consists of fascicles of densely arranged, almost parallel collagenous fibers, rows of elongated fibrocytes, and a minimum of ground substance. tendinous sheath of tibialis posterior … The pain may get worse when you use the tendon. tendo definition: 1. a tendon (= a strong piece of tissue connecting a muscle to a bone) 2. a tendon (= a strong…. Dictionary for abbreviations and common medical terms. Definition: A strap of white fibrous connective tissue that joins muscle to bone. Medical Treatment. NSAIDs can cause stomach bleeding or kidney problems in certain people. A nondistensible fibrous cord or band of variable length that connects the fleshy (contractile) part of muscle with its bony attachment or other structure; it may unite with the fleshy part of the muscle at its extremity or may run along the side or in the center of the fleshy part for a longer or shorter distance, receiving the muscular fibers along its border; when the length of a muscle is determined, the tendon length is included; it consists of fascicles of very densely arranged, almost parallel collagenous fibers, rows of elongated fibrocytes, and a minimum of ground substance. When a muscle contracts, the tendon pulls on the bone causing the joint to move. don. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Along with the ECRL, it attaches to the base of the hand bones. [ ten´do] ( L.) tendon; used in anatomic nomenclature. Nesse sentido, para que a gestao na cadeia de fornecedores aconteca de maneira adequada, o desenvolvimento da gestao dos fornecedores deve acontecer, sendo levado em conta que, incialmente deve ser feita uma classificacao dos itens que sao comprados pela organizacao. Find more Japanese words at wordhippo.com! 4 talking about this. Its muscle belly is in the forearm and then travels to the thumb side of the wrist on the back part of the forearm. Em 2017 a RBNE recebeu mais de 92 mil acessos, dos quais, visualizaram mais de 430 mil paginas, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, High performance of lf low-profile handlers; Manufacturers offering mechanical helping hand for shifting loads in limited spaces, Analysis of the effects of concentration, dependence and supplier relationships on the item replacement facility/Analise dos efeitos da concentracao, dependencia e relacionamento com fornecedores sobre a facilidade de reposicao de itens/Analisis de los efectos de la concentracion, dependencia y relacion con proveedores sobre el facilidad de reposicion de elementos, Food and nutritional education in individuals submitted to bariatric surgery/EDUCACAO ALIMENTAR E NUTRICIONAL EM INDIVIDUOS SUBMETIDOS A CIRURGIA BARIATRICA, DYNAMICS OF CONCENTRATION OF BRAZILIAN EXPORTS OF CHEMICAL PULP (1990-2010)/DINAMICA DA CONCENTRACAO DAS EXPORTACOES BRASILEIRAS DE CELULOSE QUIMICA (1990-2010). Tendinitis results in pain that makes it difficult to move the affected joint. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tendo-, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, tendinous intersections of rectus abdominis, tendinous sheath of abductor pollicis longus, tendinous sheath of extensor carpi radialis muscles, tendinous sheath of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle, tendinous sheath of extensor digiti minimi muscle, tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum and extensor indicis muscles, tendinous sheath of extensor digitorum longus muscle of foot, tendinous sheath of extensor hallucis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of extensor pollicis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of flexor carpi radialis muscle, tendinous sheath of flexor digitorum longus muscle (of foot), tendinous sheath of flexor hallucis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus muscle, tendinous sheath of superior oblique muscle, tendinous sheath of tibialis anterior muscle, tendinous sheath of tibialis posterior muscle. You may have more pain and stiffness during the night or when you get up in the morning. https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/tendo. Muscles, Fascia, & Tendons. Tendon etymology: L. tendo = a tendon; from tendere = to stretch. You may need any of the following: NSAIDs , such as ibuprofen, help decrease swelling, pain, and fever. The Tendo family is composed by Soun(Father), Akane, Nabiki and Kasumi(daughters of Soun). It serves to attach the plantaris, gastrocnemius (calf) and soleus muscles to the calcaneus (heel) bone.
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