Proper consideration of open space, sport and recreation 1.1 Sport England’s Facilities Planning Model is widely recognised as the most sophisticated means of assessing supply and demand for sports facilities as it takes account of several key factors which influence this, such as the demographic characteristics of the local Sport England’s Facilities Planning Model (FPM) Synthetic Turf Pitch (STP) Provision in Stockton Council Area. Selecting the most appropriate facility management model is a key decision for partners and we have received an increasing number of requests for assistance and guidance on this issue. The “Planning for Outcomes” Model (see Fig 1 below) illustrates the process which Sport England would envisage a local authority to follow in partnership with key stakeholders and other sectors. The evidence base will also inform the Council’s strategic planning for the future provision of sports halls. Sport England’s Facilities Planning Model (FPM) Sports Hall Provision in Harlow 2012 Profile Report This report and the accompanying maps present data from Sport England’s National Facilities Audit Dataset as of January 2012. This paper and the accompanying maps present data from Sport England’s National Facilities Audit Dataset as of January 2010. 13 See ‘Planning for Sport Principle 2’ within this guidance (page 18). In calculating the increased demand for sports facilities for a given population increase, the SFC uses parameters developed for our Facilities Planning Model. 1.1 Breckland Council is developing an evidence base for indoor sports facilities to support the development of local planning policy for the Breckland Council Local Plan. 1.2 The Council has commissioned a Sport England facility planning model (fpm) local assessment to develop an evidence base for sports halls provision. We know that poor quality facilities are a significant barrier to increasing participation in sport at a grassroots level. 2011 Profile Report – October 2011 . sports halls and assessing the future provision required up to 2034 and beyond. Sport England has developed a comprehensive suite of best practice guidance, toolkits and resources to support local partners on this journey. This paper and the accompanying maps present data from Sport England’s National Facilities Audit Dataset as of January 2011, and an update summarising revised outputs for March 2011. These are used to estimate how many visits per week in the peak period the population would generate for … Sport England’s Facilities Planning Model (FPM) Sports Hall Provision in Norwich. Unfortunately, when planning permission is required for new or enhanced facilities the planning system is often viewed as an obstacle, as opposed to … The Council has decided to apply the Sport England facility planning model (fpm) to consider the supply, demand and access to sports halls in 2016 and projected forward to 2031. 1.1 Breckland Council is developing an evidence base for indoor sports facilities to support the development of local planning policy for the Breckland Council Local Plan. Sport England recognises that no partner will be starting with the blank piece of paper and that support is required to achieve their vision. The information contained within … Sport England Facilities Planning Model Herefordshire & Worcestershire - Sports Halls – Profile of Provision in 2010 October 2009 (Active Places Dataset as at February 2010) 12 See the ‘How Sport England works with the planning system’ section of this guidance (page 10). 2010 Profile Report.
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