080 Procedural and filing requirements and safeguards concerning nonregulated activities of utilities or utility affiliates. Kentucky administrative regulations can be found in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR). Guidance on prohibited conduct and conflicts of interest. 240 Fees for applications and for services. 9 KAR 1:025. 230 Renewal of licenses. Kentucky Administrative Regulations; KAR List by Title; Registers; KAR FAQs; Last Effective Dates, Expirations, and Certifications; Emergency Regulations by Number; Kentucky Revised Statutes. Kentucky Administrative Regulations; KAR List by Title; Registers; KAR FAQs; Last Effective Dates, Expirations, and Certifications; Emergency Regulations by Number; Kentucky Revised Statutes. Legislative Research Commission 022 Nursing facility services and intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability. Tracking of Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KARs) Welcome to RegWatch! Section 1. KRS 198B.490(1) requires that all fees paid to the department are made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer. Copyright Register years 22 Ky.R. Committee Schedule, Office A hospital shall receive … TITLE 601 TRANSPORTATION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF VEHICLE REGULATION This page was produced on 5/7/2021 at 7:22:00 AM [EST] Chapter 1 Motor Carriers. Calendar, Standing Kentucky Administrative Regulations . Kentucky Administrative Regulations Special Education Programs 707 KAR 1:002 – 707 KAR 1:380 Revised August 26, 2008 For Informational Purposes Only Distributed by: The Division of Exceptional Children Services Office of Special Instructional Services Kentucky Department of Education 500 Mero Street, 8th Floor Frankfort, KY 40601 CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES PROTECTION AND PERMANENCY CHAPTER 1. Administrative Register of Kentucky NOTICE: Regulations filed AFTER noon on July 15, 2019, will be affected by the new KRS Chapter 13A process established by HB 4. 075 Treated sewage adjustment for water districts and water associations. KRS 313.060(8) and (9) require the board to promulgate administrative regulations to provide for the practice of teledentistry in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. KENTUCKY ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS *** Administrative Regulations and Emergency Administrative *** *** Regulations Currently in Effect as of February 2014 *** TITLE 922. 005 Nonduplication of payments. Kentucky Administrative Regulations Title 201 General Government Cabinet KAR Chapter 23 Kentucky Board of Social Work The links below are to the Kentucky Legislature’s website and the current administrative regulations that govern the practice of social work in Kentucky..015 Temporary permission to practice.020 Fees.050 Renewal, Termination, reinstatement of license These regulations were provided by the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission (LRC) and are for informational purposes only. Kentucky Administrative Regulations Title 9 - EXECUTIVE BRANCH ETHICS COMMISSION Chapter 1 - Executive Branch Ethics Commission 025 - Guidance on prohibited conduct and conflicts of interest. through the current year are now available online. Statements of Consideration Regulations Amended After Comments (AAC) 060 Overtime pay requirements; 063 Trading time; 065 Hours worked; 066 Recordkeeping requirements; 070 Executive, administrative, supervisory or professional employees; salesmen; 075 Exclusions from minimum wage and overtime; 080 Board, lodging, gratuities and other allowances; 090 Handicapped and sheltered workshop employee's wages; 100 Child labor CHILD WELFARE 922 KAR 1:130 (2014) 922 KAR 1:130. Administrative regulations are updated approximately once a month, usually on or before the first of each month. Kentucky Administrative Regulations, Title 307 - CABINET FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Chapter 1 - Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, 005 - Applications for Kentucky Incentive Programs included requirements standardizing both the rulemaking and hearing process. Administrative Regulations (AR) Administrative Regulations are policies adopted by the President to implement the Governing Regulations and provide for the general administration and oversight of the University. KRS 198B.654(1) requires the department to promulgate administrative regulations … Kentucky Administrative Regulations, Title 815 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION, Chapter 2 - General, 010 - Continuing education requirements The administrative regulations provided at this World Wide Web site are an unofficial posting of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations as maintained in the official internal administrative regulations database of the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission. Kentucky Administrative Regulations. These regulations provide the framework for the University administration to comply with federal and state law and implement Board decisions. Chapter 6 Board of Licensure for Long-Term Care Administrators, Chapter 7 Board for Specialists in Hearing Instruments, Chapter 13 Board of Ophthalmic Dispensers, Chapter 15 Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors, Chapter 17 Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Chapter 18 Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, Chapter 21 Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Chapter 26 Board of Examiners of Psychology, Chapter 27 Kentucky Boxing and Wrestling Commission, Chapter 28 Board of Licensure for Occupational Therapy, Chapter 31 Board of Registration for Professional Geologists, Chapter 32 Board of Licensure of Marriage and Family Therapists, Chapter 33 Board of Licensure and Certification for Dietitians and Nutritionists, Chapter 34 Board of Licensure for Professional Art Therapists, Chapter 35 Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Chapter 36 Board of Licensed Professional Counselors, Chapter 37 Department of Veterans' Affairs: Kentucky Veterans' Program Trust Fund, Chapter 38 Board of Licensure for Pastoral Counselors, Chapter 39 Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Chapter 41 Board of Private Investigators, Chapter 42 Board of Licensure for Massage Therapy, Chapter 43 Applied Behavior Analysis Licensing Board, Chapter 44 Board of Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Pedorthics, Chapter 45 Board of Licensed Diabetes Educators, Chapter 46 Board of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, Chapter 47 Board of Durable Medical Equipment, Copyright All rights Reserved, Last Effective Dates, Expirations, and Certifications, TITLE 1 - LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION, TITLE 9 - EXECUTIVE BRANCH ETHICS COMMISSION, TITLE 11 - KENTUCKY HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE AUTHORITY, TITLE 12 - AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, TITLE 13 - COUNCIL ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, TITLE 16 - EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS BOARD, TITLE 17 - DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS, TITLE 32 - DEPARTMENT OF STATE - REGISTRY OF ELECTION FINANCE, TITLE 103 - FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, TITLE 106 - DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS, TITLE 109 - DEPARTMENT FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT, TITLE 200 - FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CABINET, TITLE 202 - INDEPENDENT ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES, TITLE 300 - TOURISM, ARTS AND HERITAGE CABINET, TITLE 301 - TOURISM, ARTS AND HERITAGE CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE RESOURCES, TITLE 303 - TOURISM, ARTS AND HERITAGE CABINET - KENTUCKY STATE FAIR BOARD, TITLE 304 - TOURISM, ARTS AND HERITAGE CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, TITLE 307 - CABINET FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TITLE 400 - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET, TITLE 401 - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, TITLE 402 - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT FOR NATURAL RESOURCES, TITLE 405 - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT FOR NATURAL RESOURCES, TITLE 416 - SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION COMMISSION, TITLE 418 - KENTUCKY HERITAGE LAND CONSERVATION FUND BOARD, TITLE 500 - JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY CABINET, TITLE 501 - JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, TITLE 502 - JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE, TITLE 503 - JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING, TITLE 505 - JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE, TITLE 601 - TRANSPORTATION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF VEHICLE REGULATION, TITLE 602 - TRANSPORTATION CABINET - OFFICE OF AERONAUTICS, TITLE 603 - TRANSPORTATION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, TITLE 605 - TRANSPORTATION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF VEHICLE REGULATION - MOTOR VEHICLE COMMISSION, TITLE 701 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, TITLE 702 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - OFFICE OF DISTRICT SUPPORT SERVICES, TITLE 703 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - BUREAU OF LEARNING RESULTS SERVICES, TITLE 704 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - OFFICE OF LEARNING PROGRAMS DEVELOPMENT, TITLE 705 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - OFFICE OF SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES, TITLE 707 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY BOARD OF EDUCATION - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - OFFICE OF SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES, TITLE 725 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES, TITLE 735 - COMMISSION ON THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING, TITLE 739 - KENTUCKY COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE SYSTEM, TITLE 750 - SCHOOL FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION, TITLE 780 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION, TITLE 781 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE INVESTMENT - OFFICE OF VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION, TITLE 782 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE INVESTMENT - OFFICE FOR THE BLIND, TITLE 787 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE INVESTMENT - OFFICE OF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING, TITLE 789 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LOAN CORPORATION, TITLE 791 - EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY COMMISSION ON PROPRIETARY EDUCATION, TITLE 802 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - KENTUCKY CLAIMS COMMISSION, TITLE 804 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL, TITLE 805 - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET, TITLE 806 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE, TITLE 807 - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET - PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, TITLE 808 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, TITLE 810 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - KENTUCKY HORSE RACING COMMISSION, TITLE 811 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - KENTUCKY HORSE RACING COMMISSION, TITLE 815 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING, BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION, TITLE 820 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF CHARITABLE GAMING, TITLE 825 - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT CABINET - KENTUCKY MINE SAFETY REVIEW COMMISSION, TITLE 830 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - OFFICE OF OCCUPATIONS AND PROFESSIONS, TITLE 831 - PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET - REAL ESTATE AUTHORITY, TITLE 900 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES, TITLE 901 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES, TITLE 902 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - DEPARTMENT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH, TITLE 906 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES, TITLE 907 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - DEPARTMENT FOR MEDICAID SERVICES, TITLE 908 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - DEPARTMENT FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, DEVELOPMENTAL AND INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES, TITLE 910 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - DEPARTMENT FOR AGING AND INDEPENDENT LIVING, TITLE 911 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - OFFICE FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS, TITLE 920 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES, TITLE 921 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES - FAMILY SUPPORT, TITLE 922 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITY BASED SERVICES - PROTECTION AND PERMANENCY, TITLE 923 - CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES - DEPARTMENT OF DISABILITY DETERMINATION SERVICES, Career This administrative regulation establishes the hospital designation process for Kentucky’s trauma system. Kentucky Administrative Regulations Title 103 - FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE Chapter 7 - Ad Valorem Tax; Local Assessment. This administrative regulation establishes requirements and procedures for the practice of teledentistry. Register years 22 Ky.R. Chapter 1 Medicaid Services. TITLE 1 - LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION (Chapter 2 to Chapter 6) TITLE 2 - GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Chapter 2) TITLE 4 - JUDICIAL BRANCH (Chapter 1) 080 Household goods carriers. Amendments to 301 KAR 2:195 allow for the take of passage tundrius peregrine falcons from the wild by master falconers in Kentucky. The official or certified versions of the Kentucky Revised Statutes and Kentucky Administrative Regulations should be consulted for all matters requiring reliance on the statutory text. through the current year are now available online. The Regulation Process. Statutes and Kentucky Administrative Regulations and are intended for informational purposes only. 103 KAR 7:030 - City adoption of county assessment (Repealed) 103 KAR 7:031 - Repeal of 103 KAR 007:030; Disclaimer: These regulations may not be the most recent version. Chapter 25 - Department of Workers' Claims. … Through the Governing Regulations, the Board of Trustees mandates and delegates the necessary authority to various individuals and constituencies … Calendar, Standing Recently Enacted Amendments (changes) to regulations or statutes that are now effective: 301 KAR 2:195 – Falconry, raptor take, and raptor propagation . The Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service is the official state publication of administrative regulations. 008 Ambulatory surgical center services and reimbursement. TITLE 1 - LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COMMISSION (Chapter 2 to Chapter 6) TITLE 2 - GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Chapter 2) TITLE 4 - JUDICIAL BRANCH (Chapter 1) TITLE 9 - EXECUTIVE BRANCH ETHICS COMMISSION (Chapter 1) TITLE 10 - GOVERNOR'S OFFICE (Chapter 1 to Chapter 6) TITLE 11 - KENTUCKY HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE AUTHORITY (Chapter 3 to … Published on the 1st of each month, the Administrative Register of Kentucky contains regulations that agencies filed prior to the previous month’s deadline. Governing Regulations are policies adopted by the Board of Trustees for the governance and operations of the University. 301 KAR 1:201 – Taking of fish by traditional fishing methods . Opportunities, Regular Session It is broken up into title, chapter and section numbers. of Educational Accountability. 020 Permit for hauling industrial materials; fee; bond. Review and comment upon administrative regulations submitted to it by the Legislative Research Commission; make nonbinding determinations concerning the statutory authority to promulgate administrative regulations filed with the Legislative Research Commission; review existing administrative regulations; recommend the amendment, repeal, or enactment of statutes relating to administrative regulations; conduct a continuous study of the administrative regulations … 006 Coverage of and payment for services for persons eligible for benefits under both Title XIX and Title XVIII. 260 Organization and administration standards for prelicensure registered nurse or practical nurse programs of nursing. All rights Reserved, Last Effective Dates, Expirations, and Certifications, 081 Firm license, renewal, and reinstatement, 100 Continuing professional education requirements, 100reg Continuing professional education requirements, 140 Procedures for the reinstatement or reissuance of a CPA license, 150 Procedures for the dissemination of information relative to hearings held before the Kentucky State Board of Accountancy, 180 Safe harbor language for nonlicensees to use in connection with a compilation of financial information, 190 Examination sections, applications, and procedures, 040reg Registration of pharmacist interns, 061 Procedures followed by the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy in the investigation and hearing of complaints, 061reg Procedures followed by the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy in the investigation and hearing of complaints, 070 Prescription intermediary services restricted, 074 Pharmacy services in hospitals or other organized health care facilities, 090 Reference material and prescription equipment, 100 Security and control of drugs and prescriptions, 105 Requirements for wholesalers, medical gas wholesalers, wholesaler distributors, and virtual wholesale distributors, 106 Licensed or permitted facility closures, 116 Substitution of drugs, biologics and biosimilar products, 175 Emergency prescription refills of up to a seventy-two (72) hour supply or greater than a seventy-two (72) hour supply, 185 Noncontrolled substance prescription drug refills, 190 Return of prescription drugs prohibited, 210 Patient records and patient counseling, 225 Special limited pharmacy permit - Medical gas, 230 Special limited pharmacy permit - Central Fill, 240 Special limited pharmacy permit - Charitable, 250 Pharmacist Recovery Network Committee, 260 Automated Pharmacy System in Residential Hospice Facilities, 280 Prescription dispensing for formulary compliance, 320 Requirements for manufacturers and virtual manufacturers, 340 Special limited pharmacy permit - Clinical practice, 370 Pharmacy services in long-term care facility (LTCF), 390reg Requirements for third-party logistics provider, 410E Ordering and administering vaccinations, 010 Application for licensure; endorsement, 120 Practice of optometry outside of regular office for a charitable purpose, 040 Renewal, reinstatement, and reactivation of license, 100 Per diem compensation of board members, 020 Educational and health qualifications of applicants, 025 Trial period for remade, remanufactured, or substituted hearing instruments, 505E Administration of COVID-19 immunizations, 540 Dental practices and prescription writing, 016 Restrictions on use of amphetamine and amphetamine-like anorectic controlled substances, 021 Medical and osteopathic schools approved by the board; denial or withdrawal of approval; application of KRS 311.271; postgraduate training requirements; approved programs; recognition of degrees, 024 Application and reregistration forms; personal interviews; hearings, 025 Interpretation and application of KRS 311.571(10), 051 License renewal and registration; reregistration of inactive license, 084 Fee schedule regarding physician assistants, 200 National Practitioner Data Bank Reports, 210 Criminal background checks required for all new applicants, 220 Restriction upon dispensing of Schedule II controlled substances and Schedule III controlled substances containing Hydrocodone, 230 Required registration in the KASPER System; legal requirements for prescribing controlled substances in the Commonwealth of Kentucky; enforcement, 240 Emergency orders and hearings; appeals and other proceedings, 250 Registration and oversight of pain management facilities, 260 Professional standards for prescribing, dispensing, and administering controlled substances, 270 Professional standards for prescribing, dispensing, or administering Buprenorphine-Mono-Product or Buprenorphine-Combined-with-Naloxone, 270reg Professional standards for prescribing or dispensing Buprenorphine-Mono-Product or Buprenorphine-Combined-with-Naloxone, 290reg Interpretation and application of KRS 311.901(1) and 311.903(4), 305 Continued licensure of athletic trainers, 307 Fee schedule regarding athletic trainers, 360 Continuing education requirements for physician assistants, 400 Fee schedule regarding surgical assistants, 450 Fee schedule regarding acupuncturists, 470 Standardized Medical Order for Scope of Treatment Form, 480 Fee schedule regarding genetic counselors, 190 Consumer and administrative complaints; discipline; administrative hearings, 210 Licensing, education, and testing requirements, 220 Errors and omissions insurance requirements, 030reg Licensing, permits, and examinations, 082 Education requirements and school administration, 060 Military service; reciprocity; endorsement, 080 Operation and inspection of optical establishments, 035 Public identification of and access to barber shops and schools, 045 Notification and inspection of new shop locations, 060 Licensing requirements for qualified nonresidents, 105 Barbering school enrollment and postgraduate requirements, 015 Per diem compensation of board members, 050 Apprenticeship and supervision requirements, 120 Requirements for applicants holding a license in another state, 500 Code of Ethical Conduct for veterinarians, 514 Fees for animal control agencies and animal euthanasia specialists, 520 Approved veterinary colleges; approved programs for veterinary technicians, 530 Examination requirements for veterinarians and veterinary technicians, 540 Application requirements for veterinarians and veterinary technicians, 550 Authorization for animal control agencies to apply for a restricted controlled substances certificate from DEA, 560 Certification as an animal euthanasia specialist, 570 License renewal for veterinarians and veterinary technicians; renewal notice, 572 Certificate renewal for animal control agencies and animal euthanasia specialists; renewal notice, 580 Board issued licenses and certificates, inactive and retired statuses, 590 Continuing education requirements, veterinarians and veterinary technicians, 600 Prescription and dispensation of drugs for animal use, 610 Procedures for grievances, investigations, and administrative charges, 011 Requirements for interim licensure as a speech language pathologist, 014 Temporary licenses for speech-language pathologist, speech-language pathology assistant, and audiologist, 025 Requirements for an interim license as a speech-language pathology assistant, 027 Supervision requirements and caseload limitations of speech-language pathology assistants, 030 License fees and renewal requirements, 032 Requirements for interim licensure as an audiologist, 034 Requirements for licensure as a speech-language pathology assistant, 036 Requirements for licensure for an audiologist, 100 Clinical practice by licensed speech-language pathologists and audiologists in the area of minor training, 142 Code of professional practice and conduct, 192 Continuing professional development for professional land surveyors, 196 Continuing professional development for engineers, 200 Minimum standards of practice for mortgage inspections in Kentucky, 035 Qualifications for examination and licensure, 225 Examinations required; general provisions, 235 Reciprocity; registration without examination, 240 Resident licensed in another state; reciprocity, 260 Professional practice standards; violations, penalties, 410 Accredited schools and colleges for certified interior designers, 415 Application for certification as an interior designer, 425 Certification under education and experience, 430 Certification by persons credentialed in other jurisdictions, 440 Fees for certification of interior designers, 450 Signature of documents by certified interior designers; use of title, 056 Advanced practice registered nurse licensure and certification requirements, 057 Scope and standards of practice of advanced practice registered nurses, 062 Standards for advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) programs of nursing, 063 Restrictions on use of amphetamine-like anorectic controlled substances, 065 Professional standards for prescribing Buprenorphine-Mono-Product or Buprenorphine-Combined-with-Naloxone by APRNs for medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, 065reg Professional standards for prescribing Buprenorphine-Mono-Product or Buprenorphine-Combined-with-Naloxone by APRNs for medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, 085 Licensure periods and miscellaneous requirements, 161 Investigation and disposition of complaints, 220 Nursing continuing education provider approval, 240 Fees for applications and for services, 260 Organization and administration standards for prelicensure registered nurse or practical nurse programs of nursing, 280 Standards for developmental status, initial status, and approval of prelicensure registered nurse and practical nurse programs, 310 Faculty for prelicensure registered nurse and practical nurse programs, 320 Standards for curriculum of prelicensure registered nurse and practical nurse programs, 320reg Standards for curriculum of prelicensure registered nurse and practical nurse programs, 340 Students in prelicensure registered nurse and practical nurse programs, 350 Educational facilities and resources for prelicensure registered nurse and practical nurse programs, 360 Continuing approval and periodic evaluation of prelicensure registered nursing and licensed practical nursing programs, 411 Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program standards and credential requirements, 411reg Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program standards and credential requirements, 470 Dialysis technician credentialing requirements and training program standards, 480 Licensure of graduates of foreign nursing schools, 490 Licensed practical nurse infusion therapy scope of practice, 510 Voluntary relinquishment of a license or credential, 600 Standards for training programs for licensed certified professional midwives, 610 Approval process for training programs for licensed certified professional midwives, 620 Licensing requirements for licensed certified professional midwives, 630 Disciplinary actions for licensed certified professional midwives, 640 Requirements for informed consent for licensed certified professional midwives, 650 Licensed certified professional midwives permitted medical tests and formulary, 660 Licensed certified professional midwives duty to report, 660reg Licensed certified professional midwives duty to report, 670 Licensed certified professional midwives consultation, collaboration, and referral provisions, 680 Licensed certified professional midwives client records, 690 Licensed certified professional midwives transfer guidelines, 015 Code of ethical conduct and standards of practice, 025 Board; officers, duties, and compensation, 042 Standards, application and approval of continuing education courses, 055 Colleges and universities; accreditation, approval, 065 Professional advertising; seventy-two (72) hour right of rescission, 075 Peer review committee procedures and fees, 090 Prechiropractic education requirements, 095 Licensure, registration, and standards of persons performing peer review, 100 Minimum standards for recordkeeping or itemized statements, 020 Eligibility and credentialing procedure, 035 Change of name and contact information, 040 Procedure for renewal or reinstatement of a credential for a physical therapist or a physical therapist assistant, 045 Continued competency requirements and procedures, 052 Complaint procedure and disciplinary action of a credential holder or applicant, 053 Code of ethical standards and standards of practice for physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, 070 Requirements for foreign-educated physical therapists and physical therapist assistants, 140 Funding of impaired physical therapy practitioners committee, 150 Impaired Practitioners Alternative Program, 170reg Physical Therapy Compact Commission, 050 Renewal, Termination, reinstatement of license, 060 Licensed social workers, certified social workers, and licensed clinical social workers, 070 Qualifying education for a certified social worker and a licensed clinical social worker and qualifying experience under supervision, 070reg Qualifying education and clinical practice experience under supervision, 140 Per diem compensation for board members, 150reg Complaint procedure, disciplinary action, and reconsideration, 011 Approved schools; licensure application; fees, 021 Annual renewal notice for licenses, fees, 051 Procedure for complaints and hearings involving licensees: temporary suspension, 080 HIV/HBV infection control for podiatrists, 090 Prescribing and dispensing controlled substances, 115reg Definition of psychological testing, 121reg Scope of practice and dual licensure, 125reg Health service provider designation, 130 Grievances and administrative complaints, 130reg Grievances and administrative complaints, 155 Licensed psychologist: application procedures and temporary license, 155reg Licensed psychologist: application procedures and temporary license, 171reg Requirements for clinical supervision, 180 Requirements for granting licensure as a psychologist by reciprocity, 180reg Requirements for granting licensure as a psychologist by reciprocity, 185 Requirements for granting licensure as a psychologist to an applicant licensed in another state, 185reg Requirements for granting licensure as a psychologist to an applicant licensed in another state, 190 Requirements for supervised professional experience, 190reg Requirements for supervised professional experience, 250 Employment of a psychological associate, 250 Employment of a psychological associate, a temporarily licensed psychological associate, or a temporarily licensed psychologist, 280 Licensed psychological associate: application procedures and temporary license, 280reg Licensed psychological associate: application procedures and temporary license, 290 Licensed psychological practitioner: application procedures, 290reg Licensed psychological practitioner: application procedures, 011 General requirements for boxing and kickboxing shows, 012 General requirements for wrestling shows, 016 General requirements for mixed martial arts matches, shows, or exhibitions, 021 Drug testing for boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts, wrestling, and elimination event shows, 030 Short-term practice of occupational therapy for persons practicing under KRS 319A.090(1)(e), 060 Licensure, renewals, and reinstatements, 130 Supervision of occupational therapy assistants, occupational therapy aides, occupational therapy students, and temporary permit holders, 140 Code of ethics and unprofessional conduct, 190 Occupational therapy low-vision and visual-therapy services, 235 Telehealth occupational therapy services, 010 Activities under limited mandatory certification, 020 Code of ethics; unprofessional conduct, 060 Continuing education requirements for persons on inactive status; waiver, 040 Professional standards of practice and conduct, 040reg Professional standards of practice and conduct, 130 Standards for education approval - fees, 130reg Education provider, instructor, and course approval, 190 Certification and licensing requirements, 190reg Certification and licensing requirements, 330 Registration and supervision of appraisal management companies, 025 Marriage and family therapist associate, 035 Supervision of marriage and family therapist associates, 035reg Supervision of marriage and family therapy associates, 101 Reinstatement of license subject to disciplinary action, 030 Continuing education requirements for licensees and certificate holders, 010 Licensure of professional art therapists, 060 Qualifying experience under supervision, 010reg Definitions for 201 KAR Chapter 35, 055 Temporary registration or certification, 055E Temporary registration or certification, 055reg Temporary registration or certification, 075 Substitution for work experience for an applicant for certification as an alcohol and drug counselor, 075E Substitution for work experience for an applicant for certification as an alcohol and drug counselor, 075reg Substitution for work experience for an applicant for certification as an alcohol and drug counselor, 080 Voluntary inactive and retired status, 080E Voluntary inactive and retired status, 080reg Voluntary inactive and retired status, 090 Appeal from a denial of or refusal to renew or reinstate a registration, certificate, or license, or denial of continuing education hours by the board, 065 Licensed professional clinical counselor supervisor, 070 Application, education, and examination requirements, 072 Reciprocity requirements for applicants licensed or certified in another state, 075 Renewal, late renewal, and reinstatement of license, 080 Inactive and retired licensure status, 090 Administrative hearings for denials and revocation of probation, 010 Kentucky Veterans' Program Trust Fund, administration of fund, 070 Renewal of licenses and continuing education, 030 Application; qualifications for licensure; and certification levels, 050 Renewal of licenses, extension of temporary licenses and reinstatement, 060 Reinstatement of license subject to disciplinary action, 070 Application and qualifications for temporary licensure, 070 Continuing professional education requirements, 030 Licensee's change of name, home address, or place of business, 035 Application process, exam, and curriculum requirements, 050 Complaint procedure and disciplinary action, 060 Code of ethics and standards of practice for massage therapists, 080 Programs of massage therapy instruction, 020 Application procedures for temporary licensure, 040 Code of ethical standards and standards of practice, 040 Professional conduct and code of ethics, 060 Continuing education requirements and procedures, 070 Complaint process and disciplinary action procedure, 090 Requirements for licensure as an orthotist, prosthetist, orthotist-prosthetist, pedorthist, or orthotic fitter on or after January 1, 2013, 100 Fees for licensure of diabetes educators, 120 Renewal, reinstatement, and inactive status, 030 Education for medical imaging technologists, advanced imaging professionals, nuclear medicine technologists, radiographers, and radiation therapists, 035 Practice standards, scopes of practice, and ethical standards, 040 Medical imaging technologist, advanced imaging professional, radiographer, nuclear medicine technologist, and radiation therapist licenses, 045 Temporary license application for medical imaging technologists, advanced imaging professionals, radiographers, nuclear medicine technologists, and radiation therapists, 050 Provisional training license for medical imaging technologists and radiation therapists, 090 Complaint process and administrative hearings, 100 Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Scholarship and Continuing Education Fund, 010 Home medical equipment and supplier licenses, requirements, and fees, 020 Inspections, discipline, reinstatement, and administrative appeals, Career
Smith Cooper Leicester, Luxury Yacht Charter Melbourne, Supervised Transfer Learning, Rural King Group 78 Battery, Millbury High School, Floating Pool In Berlin, Modern Apprenticeships Scotland Age Limit, Auntie Lord Of The Flies, Love Knows No Bounds Bible Verse,