Its harder than football, harder than baseball, harder than basketball, harder than hockey or soccer or cycling or skiing or fishing or billiards or any other of the 60 sports we rated.According to ESPN, Boxing and Ice hockey are rated as the two hardest sports in the world. What does this say about soccer? Field Hockey: One, you're playing in a skirt, which if you're not a big fan of letting everyone see you in really tight spankies, then you shouldn't play. Rugby in my OPINION is harder than Football, but both are very intense. What is the toughest sport in the world? To answer the first rebuttal by repeating myself. The closest thing we have to soccer is hockey. Another thing, the ball? But equipment provides legitimacy; a bunch of guys running around kicking a ball is too damn accessible. And quite frankly hockey is just vastly superior to soccer. The players are more likable. It's when it has some cutting action that makes it hard. While tossing around a football will burn a mere three calories per minute for a person who weighs 180 pounds, a game of touch football burns 12 calories per minute and full-contact football burns 13 calories per minute for a person of this size. As a former baseball player, hitting a 100mph fastball ain't hard if it's just a straight line fastball. And when you fall, it's hurts more because it's on ICE. Calories Burned. Dribbling a ball with your feet past a defender is a lot harder than doing the same with your hands in basketball. Because its harder to score in hockey, and there are more shots it is one of the most entertaining sports in the world. Soccer fans sing. Yeah, that little bitch is like steal. Ice is cold, hard, and slippery, while grass is softer. Canadian ice hockey fan (me) reacts to the hardest football hits ever. I think it says that the goalies of Hockey are trying harder as I see no beauty in a 0-0 game. It seems 50% of the time in soccer a shot scores. I wrestled, played Football, and Rugby. Jacobie1121 may say the goalies in soccer do work hard and that there are 0-0 games in Hockey as well. That the players are slacking? Along with boxing you need to cut weight for 6 to 7 months of the year. Goalies in hockey rely on more reactionary skill then soccer goalies who just run from each side of the post. It has fights. Oh and how hard it is? It has power plays. hockey = very hard it should move up the list. They dance. you have to do a flip every 25 yards during a race and even during practice which is 3 hours. Meanwhile, equipment is the lifeblood of baseball, football, and hockey, particularly if one is hoping to play a game that approximates the real thing. Report Post. Its faster. 8. swimmers do more kicks than a soccer player or cheerleader. I agree with Boxing being number 1.Then it should be 2. The hits in hockey are proven to be harder than football hits because players are coming at you at high speeds due to the skating. It is a question that has been asked for a long time, and with the new NFL season starting and the Rugby World Cup Fan culture. Wrestling 3.Hockey 4.Football/Rugby. Hockey is much more faster and entertaining then boring ol soccer. It's like getting hit by a vehicle. Wrestling was the hardest sport I have ever done. SEVEN SHOTS TO 30. It has hitting. On a minute-for-minute basis, playing football is slightly more strenuous than hockey. It's about 12 times SMALLER than a soccer ball. Oh, yeah ! It's probably second only to riding bucking stock and bull doggin. Now. Never played hockey but it looks a dang site harder than football.
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