The last day there the wife and I went to the local ABC store to look for souvenirs and they had the same coconuts for 1.99. If Hawaiian locals would try this they might gain self respect and in turn respect others of all races. I would like to volunteer to work with the local Hawaiians and be a part of a community in some way, although I don’t intend nor do I want to be the “big White know-it-all”, I hope that makes sense. Invite some haoles to the battle. My 4th and final interview w/ Hawaiian Airlines (Oahu) is in 6 days. I know a lot of islanders have moved away because the cost of living is too high or there are better job opportunities on the mainland. Let’s face it, Colonial powers of any nation whether the U.S., France, or England have always been reluctant to give power back to the people who they have oppressed for years. However the thing that puts me off the most from this piece is the traffic congestion. Register today at and connect with us on Facebook at Lines around the block. My mother came from Montréal, Canada and she moved to the United States in 1953, her father was French-Canadian and her mother was English-Irish. Plus I have elder parents to take care of. It sucks doesn’t It ? more based on some of the comments. Everyone is outside already and busy, washing cars, cooking and hanging laundry, heading to work We keep the windows open and we can hear the daily life around us. We’ve always dreamed of owning a house in HI, which is why Hawaii Life is one of our favorite shows (too bad it’s been canceled). They all have their pros and cons. Both of us had thought about a visit from time to time. This is something I’ve been dreaming about and would absolutely love to do, and I would very much appreciate it if you share more about it. And we haven’t even talked about buying a house yet. After buying property here in Charlotte 5 years ago, as a single mom I can afford a $450k townhome or condo on Oahu when I decide it’s time to buy if I sell my place here. We did a lot of research before moving here. I accept that, but just amazed that is where things have come in some places. I have traveled to almost every state in the mainland US, and the majority of the US is so filled with hate and loathing right now – for Black people, POC, Native Americans, Asians, queers and anyone who is essentially NOT “Haole” – that moving somewhere that has deep pride and reverence for a majority Native culture sounds like NIRVANA. etc. The big reason is the high cost of living. Others will treat you differently as well. However, I left hawaii with tons of debt and student loans. Maybe I am just super lucky or wearing rose colored glasses but, for me, that wonderful Aloha spirit is alive and well. Visited numerous times growing up as my neighbor had relatives living there— and back in 1976 went to summer school at Manoa U of H— eventually leading to even more visits. He requires only that they send back to him three sevenths Mahalo Nui for adding to the tapestry of comments. FIGHT! Otherwise the homeless problem would be like San Francisco or Phoenix. It’s still beautiful but you can only do it so many times. By all means, visit the islands. I’d like to know your thoughts are on renting your house. I am a nurse, my husband is an oil field worker in Alaska with a high paying job, and each time we have been to Hawaii we have fallen more in love with the culture. It’s worth the effort, and I believe to be within the spirit of aloha. I served my country, killed other human beings for my country, and my reward was a college degree and a no down payment home loan. And if that doesn’t own out, I’ll work part-time to pay mortgage and food until I land something. Haole from Indiana. You want to figure out the right island and where to live on that island. Doesn’t vacuuming and mowing the lawn help with flabby arms? Like the quiz says, you can still make it happen in Hawaii! I wasn’t responding to you but rather user “Deborah” who was replying to you. For all the Aloha and Ohana, Hawaii is very clique-ish and you’ve put out the good reasons why. I do like on the ocean though as a digital project manager working globally. I too feel this sense of connection, inner peace, happiness, and like all is right with the world when I am there. It’s a pity that there is animosity in such a beautiful place, but when you start unpacking the details of the history — and accept that even with aloha as a prevailing philosophy of life, people are people and prone to human foibles — you may discover the depth of the issues underlying said hard feelings. Planning to the move by next year. And while it is part of the United States, it certainly has a feel of being its own tropical paradise. That wasn’t the reason why I left. I think I know…., you just couldn’t be find to others, allow others to pass before you, help people. The weather is just beautiful. The one important aspect someones needs to enlighten the Hawaiian local community about, concerns this prevalent attitude of resentment and self pity concerning the “takeover of our sacred lands by the U.S. government”. 30% now are homless. I saw the disparity in living conditions growing up in rural Montana living near and on Native American reservations and here in Alaska. They try to make HAWAII ALL ISLANDS LOOK GOOD BUT ALL IT IS; IS PURE LIES. Not that we need a lot. I still love Hawaii and the Hawaiian people and it feels more like home than anywhere I’ve been before or since. Every year thousands of people move to Hawaii, buy a home, and begin to live their dream. Note: Wherever you buy/live check the lava zone #, your home insurance depends on that location. Yes, all of these things are true. There are 142,600 Pacific Islanders in all of the Hawaiian Islands, and some of those are from other Pacific Islands, i.e. It’s really a mental state of preparation, it can be done and it has been done countless of times. I am just going to say it, living somewhere a longer period of time than someone else is not an accomplishment. Kid from New York currently @ home in NOLA. of a slave? We have been back after that trip twice with friends. I hate my state now lol. Though we are both Haoles and understand what that will mean we both love the Hawaiian culture and the islands. I know it can be difficult to fing a job as Psychologist in short time, but I can do other things, if they allow me to pay the bills. What matters is living lightly on the earth. They treat employees badly and it’s so gossipy like high school. All of this is so very true. Besides, anyone other than a true local trying to speak pidgin sounds utterly stupid. Probably not in my lifetime, but hopefully soon. And a woman at that. There is open discussion, and so All authority people will not in force the laws and they even look the other way. I did the same thing when I moved to Colorado 18 years ago and it worked out very well. He just started laughing and gave me the ‘Shaka Bra’ sign…………. Yes, I’m white, ha ha, and I’ll do my best. I found some land on Oahu and would want to install a yurt on it. Italian, Greek, Mexican, Pizza and the like are sorely lacking. She was not accepted by either side of her family both French and English, this prompted her to move to the United States after her father’s death. Honestly, I didn’t even scratch the surface but these are some of the reasons as to why people in Hawaii are not fond of people from the mainland US. I can’t wait till i can move away for college. I agree with your views for the most part for Oahu, as I lived there as a single white woman for 10 years, no issues with respect going both ways, had a great job, housing was high but I made it work. Hawaii’s social is extremely complicated. Better know the reality than be fooled by the fantasy, right? However, of course we had Kamehameha schools, which until recent history really was about Christianizing native Hawaiians, and teaching girls how to be good maids, and boys how to fix cars. Hi Joe, would you mind sharing how you lived in Thailand for 8 years in terms of technicalities/visa etc? I am now going to be 32, what a shame my last birthday was and my 32nd birthday will be. Add in $200/night for hotel, $75/day for car and a 2 week vacation starts adding up to around $10,000. I like to walk, hike, and I have a dual-sport motorcycle that I like to ride. Three fourths of the people in HAWAII ON ALL ISLANDS are on Marijuana and it is NOT medical needed. Most neighborhoods are just jam-packed with houses- one on top of the other. There was an ever-growing population of homeless living in tents along the beaches. Going to Maui in 1980 has forever jaded us to any where else. There are quite a few more social, cultural, and political issues on Oahu than Maui. Peter Kay says don’t move to Hawaii because white supremism does not exist in every aspect of the culture as it did in the mainland. I did it in the past and yes it could be trying at times, but the benefits outweighed the negatives, for me at least. Feel free to read on. For the first several months, I would pull out the cushions on the sofa and chairs on a weekly basis looking for those darn eggs, because if they break, they leave a bloody mess. OK so how was that our fault we were not acting badly we did not even say anything to the rude lady who budged in line even after she budged in front of us. Don’t just see it as a tropical destination because it’s so much more than that. I love what nature created in Hawaii and bought land in Puna in 2004. He further And then others, I feel like I’ll be just fine. Rachel, your bigotry may be presently politically sanctioned, but you are still owned by your own bigotry and base emotions, not to mention lack of any historical knowledge. Plus don’t Japanese care about education? It’s not in my nature to push back against change, especially when I know change can be difficult. You will get a flip flop tan. 1. Maui is a blissful place to retire Mike. Sunday afternoon, and the entire leeward side of northern Oahu, Makaha and Ka’ena Point anytime, etc. I felt at home, and the best version of myself when I was there. Love the feedback. The dog problem is more (IMO) of irresponsible owners. Hard to tell, though. She goes where she wants too. Could you imagine living in Makena and getting up every morning to perfect weather and a beauiful ocean. They have to especially curl their hair before a performance, so it looks like mine. If you choose Kauai, the Big Island, Maui or Molokai, there are going to be fewer similarities – perhaps no movie theaters or franchise restaurants within convenient access. Sounds like the author just had a terrible personal experience but okay. I am a highly educated CPA and they have a very bad education drain leaving the islands, it even was in one of the writings you had about the drain. Money is nooooo issue, but all the other issues you list sound awful. Expect a 20% cut in pay or more from what you’re making on the mainland. I wish I was there!! I have traveled all over the world and learned that most of the happiest people are literally dirt poor. Hint: you will not get island fever if the water is an extension of the aina for you. With knowledge of the history, however, you might just be able to approach people with a more sympathetic heart. And, you’re absolutely right about everything else you mentioned. For example inflated real estate prices which can make quality of life unachievable for most people and is something that probably needs some kind of legislative or tax-based response. And the choice to stay ignorant.  Lose weight? It was there that if I felt unaccepted in New Jersey, I really felt unaccepted in this area. due to medical bills. I didn’t expect to find ourselves faced with health conditions that have caused her to deteriorate and now possibly our 14 year old son facing similar issues. Insightful article! I spent a whole week doing dinner cruises, sitting at the beaches, Experiencing the Road to Hana, visiting the Aquarium and just walking up and down Front St. They throw your vote in with theirs. That is a fact. If you follow the coast highway north of Hilo their are a couple spots where rivers empty into the sea and these are very nice beach spots. And the road rage here is terrifying. Hawai’i was illegally overthrown and is illegally occupied, just look through the various archives if you don’t beleive it (actual quotes from Dole, etc, are in there.). (Once a person told me to go back where I came from.). There is SO much crime here and racism we do not feel safe and not just limited to a particular area. I’m really looking for a place where I can slow my pace down and live more closer to and be more in tune with nature. White: 357,308 If you are lucky, you won’t I really had to reach down deep to write this as I live here! Thanks for the comment! There’s a serious throw-caution-to-the-wind drug culture where they have more than their fair share of locals addicted to things like meth & heroine. That has got to be the best response to the racist-based expressed hurt of others. Hawaii was illegally confiscated by business interests on the island and the push of America in the Pacific. I have this sense of “coming home”. After capping some steam coming out of my ears, and trying to stem the flow of lava that wanted to flow from my fingertips, i managed to get myself under control enough to attempt to thype without melting the keyboard. True, most people who live here will appreciate it and let you in. I think it all depends on the financial capability and expectations – if people don’t understand that, moving to HI can be a big mistake. Thanks again for the good read and plethora of comments! everyone brings a different story and perspective. As a non-white native of Hawaii, it really is unfair but I don’t think this will change any time soon. Have you been able to establish groups of friends to hang out with? Hello I just wanted to say I enjoyed and appreciated your information about hawaii and living in Hawaii Millionaire condos owned by investors or vacationers are mere blocks away from delapidated housing holding multi-generations of locals, locals who make the State hum. surprised or shocked when you return. If you see water as a barrier, this is not the place for you. 😀, Well said! If you want to move to any island in the world, you have to get used to there culture and way of living and not vice-versa. Great place to visit, wouldn’t want to live there. And while that may not apparently seem to change anyone’s behavior towards you, then again, it just might. Forget renting with a dog over 10 lbs.  We’re not going to go into great detail here about how much fun that is because you either know or you don’t. These types of places are NOT what you should shape your views of the island around. I realized in the end that my crowd that I would engage in left the island for greener pastures on the mainland… I survived for five years and have many great experiences and locales which I experienced. I could say a lot here but it is just not worth it. On another note “Haoles” never being excepted are no ones fault but there’s wanna know why? However, the challenges that you’ve describe seem to be primarily on Oahu and maybe Maui. Yo Bro, if ya luv an respect the land, then ya should be allowed to live in peace no matter race or point of origin. It eminded me locals first, asians second haoles and of the line. And I’ll go back to Kauai. He also believes if something is not white dominated then it’s “anti-American.” What a tool. Good nature d. They were very generous to us. As an outsider I find it important to consider what my presence might have on the experience that native Hawaiians have of their own land. I, for one, would never buy a home that was built over sacred land. Thank you for writing a very real and true article about the reality of living on a island and in Hawaii. We just came back this week from a week vacation. But we have several native Hawaiians friends that I made prior to moving here that have been very welcoming, even if my husband is a haole. If you move to Maui thinking you’ll have no problem finding a house-sitting gig, a high paying job that is both personally and professionally fulfilling, and a life that is full of beaches and cocktails and completely devoid of any real strife, you’re wrong. I might spend the rest of my life being unhappy! 17 Reasons You Should Absolutely Never Visit Molokai. The need to be self indulgent while getting a massage or walk the beach at sunset with a loved one is certainly not important. I was born in Honolulu in 1970. It seems you have a very poor view of Hawaii so I ask you, why do you live here? . Got a job on Oahu back in 2004 and were lucky enough to buy a great little house at that time. Hawaii was not as I expected…and it wasn’t because of the lack of competition (true), poor services (also true), higher prices (depends on where you lived; property taxes and sales tax are lower here than my mainland home). The people you want to see serving you your drinks and dancing hula. (and I have lived and worked In 37 Countries). I attended BYU on the North Shore for 4 years and also attended Laie Elementary while my parents were finishing up their degree at BYU. He’s lived here his entire career. Was only accosted by one Hawaiian who felt compelled to belittle my friends car and show me how he kept a jug of water in his to wash his feet all the while muttering all the things you hear Hawaiians say to no Hawaiians. If they like me for the position they will assist in relocation. Now it is money, money, money. The people seemed nicer than the Bay Area and the drivers much more polite. It’s rude for a Polynesian to start a conversation with “what’s your name”. The comment about being treated as an outsider is 100% true. Moved here 12 years ago and never looked back. I went island hoping spending time in Oahu, Maui, and the Big Island. Image may have been resized or cropped from original. They thought it was because people thought they were smart, and learned and had knowledge. BE ADVISED! Right, I believe the on-the-ground experience is real, based on your post and the comments here. – Danielle. It is not that way all the time. Down to earth mainlanders who live large in most places on $50 to 60k combined. Soul Sucking Traffic. I’ve always been drawn to the idea of Hawaii, and when I visited a couple months ago, that cemented my feelings even more. I’m getting a little nervous with all this erosion talk? Chinese investors building 20 room houses w no permits? I am a naturalized American citizen, born in Brazil. I try to speak reasonably coherent English, although I pepper my speech with Olelo Hawaii often. I truly think about Maui multiple times a day and dream of it weekly. For this reason, do not come to Hawaii expecting to find a large house but rather be prepared for downsizing. Forget about waving or throwing a shaka. This list is not only accurate, but well-written. I would love to hear from those who have moved to Maui then moved back to the mainland, and why Maui did not work out for you. Honestly I feel like people just wanting to move, work, retire in paradise need to consider, is it okay to move onto reservation lands and buy up land to develop or live or make money from that doesn’t actively, holistically support the actual local community in generative, integrative sustainable practical ways, or just to experience and enjoy and ‘learn Native ways’…I think many people here would agree that this sounds like a pretty heavy, complicated decision that would require a LOT of motive-searching and deep research and deeply tuned plans to make it with integrity, why there and not somewhere else off the rez. We rented this year to some long term tenants as health reasons have changed in our household and we will not longer be going back to the island each winter.. We gave the new tenants a break in the monthly rent of about $500/month discount (the place is fully furnished right down to linens and cookware) from what we were getting prior just renting for the months we were off island. The reason many tourists are mislead to believe that there’s only a “small amount” of these “rude natives” is because many tourists only visit the touristy places, such as Waikiki or Haleiwa. We already live a more simple life than a lot of people here do, and so do our two grown children. We visited the Big Island this summer for the first time to visit friends who now live in Hawi. My wife and I have been to four of the Hawaiian Islands several times over the years and have a really yearning to live on the islands. master. We get up to the cashier as we are next and start unloading our items. I did vacation here and ended up living here! There is not much aloha here. The only adjustment I would make to your list is to the pecking order. I am amazed at the kindness and open hearts I have encountered so far. Tourists don’t notice a lot of these issues, and even transplants won’t know any better. Keep your racism elsewhere. miles, and lived on St. Croix… 84 sq. however, now, when you see dancers or people working in hotels they are from the mainland. Yes, there are challenges, but it is the state in the US, hands down. Denver, Colorado, Very cool! Look at Waikiki, Waianae, Waipahu, Ewa Beach etc. I am not offended, just not clear if they guy is funny or a democrat/bigot (someone who groups people by race/embraces forced labor and makes assumptions about them based on their group membership rather than looking at people as an individual). Unfortunately I do not see anything you’ve written that is patently false. Unsubscribe any time. Maybe not in their lifetimes, but someday.
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