With these powers I could be... a superhero! Kaos, the god/personification of Chaos from, Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony, was originally a. Sludge only cares about what he wants to do. A large part of the original intent for Discworld MUD was to move away from a restrictive class system, and to allow a player to do (almost) anything with enough effort and advancement. The Chaotix as a team are this, taking any job that pays even if they don't know who their employer is. A world, and a mirror of worlds. While he often ends up working for the villains (willingly or not) he bears the heros and humanity in general no ill will and will usually avoid doing serious harm. The characters tend to, Potentially the Visoreds, as they mainly want revenge on Aizen for, Also a fitting example is Graham, who is chaos incarnate, often doing a 180 on his opinions, and is similarly inclined to go from threatening violence against someone to being creepily friendly in a. Ronnie Schiatto is much more calm and collected than the two lunatics above, but nearly every decision he makes is ultimately towards one singular goal: Killerbee, who disregards his brother — the Raikage's — repeated reminders not to, Team Hebi (not Taka) can be classified as this: Jugo averages out between his, Bart starts out as a Chaotic Neutral scoundrel, but as he journeys with Kenshiro, he gradually develops good in his heart and eventually becomes a Chaotic Good leader of the, Kou Uraki goes into this territory towards the end of, Joe Yabuki, the titular main character of, On the darker side of the scale is the cold-blooded, InuYasha himself at the very beginning, as he's both childishly impulsive and too cynical to treat other people with any respect. Most of the time he is. As, Shadow comes to this realization in the Semi Dark - Hero ending of, Despite her character sheet listing her as, Then there's Qara, who is listed as this alignment, but is, Sheogorath, as the Daedric Prince of Madness, embodies Chaotic Neutral in his particular universe. Vudu does not allow the use of stackable coupons. While players can advance and benefit from any skill, players get extra bonuses and abilities within the skill set of their guild. They believe that their own consciences are their best guides, and that tying themselves to any given code of conduct would be limiting their own ability to do what they want. He delights in wreaking havoc wherever he goes, but his pranks tend to be more annoying/humiliating than seriously dangerous. He has no problems with lying toward others, but he also never physically harms others. (Protip: Killing someone or generally causing dissent "for the hell of it" is Chaotic Evil). He sacrifices all of humanity to save one girl; Ellie. Levels are uncapped, but also rise in experience point cost per level. The Discworld project was allowed to continue. Rolf serves as his, On all routes other than Crimson Flower, Dimitri degenerates from, Hilda is a milder example. Skill abilities are based on a diminishing returns system, in which a character's 'bonus', or ability to perform a certain task, is calculated on a logarithmic basis from the character's skill level and a geometric mean of related stats. For example, one Chaotic Neutral character might be part of a tribe that considers itself independent and anarchist, where as another may choose not to be, as their lives may still be dependent on that tribe's principles (and as such they may not feel they are truly self sufficient or independent after all). Elections are held every six months. Black in its most benevolent form is generally this or, Lilica Felchenerow's main goal is to just have fun and play harmless pranks, she, The NPC Mr. Torgue is a complete lunatic whose, Mad Moxxi would probably count as well: She's kind of a psycho but helps out the players in fighting. Broadly speaking, there are six classes: warrior, wizard, priest, witch, thief, and assassin. Hedonismbot, as you might expect from the mechanical embodiment of, well, Red X is the show's best example of this trope: he makes it very clear that he's on his own side and no one else's, which makes him fully capable of playing the villain, Chaotic Neutral is the best way to describe Marceline from. Rouge the Bat not only works for GUN to be paid in gems, but does thievery on the side and has worked with Eggman too. If you have a difficulty deciding which alignment a neutral-aligned character belongs to, the main difference between Lawful Neutral, True Neutral and Chaotic Neutral is not their lack of devotion to either good or evil, but the methods they believe are best to show it: On works pages: Character Alignment is only to be used in works where it is canonical, and only for characters who have alignments in-story. The Demoman clearly qualifies. Bismuth, a Crystal Gem who was taken out of commission many years back, has a marked disdain for the ruling class of Homeworld and gets along great with her fellow rebels. The Melniboneans hover between Type 1 of Chaotic Neutral and Type 2 of Lawful Neutral. Lets put it this way, She's the source of all good and evil. He does look extremely unpredictable, does not play by the team's rules and uses explosives to inhibit the opposing team's advancement in the level, being a rugged Chaotic Neutral in this situation, even being a defensive class. Discworld MUD is a popular MUD, a text-based online role-playing game, set in the Discworld as depicted in the Discworld series of books by Terry Pratchett. [1][2], The MUD was founded in 1991[3] and opened to the public in 1992 (receiving continuous updates since then, now thirty years later). In a broader sense, the entire philosophy of the Outlaws centers around this. Hong Kong is very mischievous and pranks almost everyone in his surroundings much to the despair of his, Gene Starwind is a perfect example of this as the series begins, perhaps softening to. Prussia, Russia and France show tendencies towards this, too. neither a hero nor a villain, but "more like a super fucked-up god". That shows that he is selfish, and didn't even give Ellie a choice on whether she wanted to not be used for a cure. She created the world, and will destroy it when it pleases her. Content has been worked upon continuously as the Discworld series of books has been growing, therefore there are smatterings of continuity taken from different books introduced in different regions. The pirates. [6], Discworld has publicly released the code base under which it runs on a couple of occasions, allowing other MUDs to use the same base for writing their worlds. The MUD was later hosted for a time at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut by one of its undergraduates: Michael "Bastian" Hammill. Belarus might fit in here too, as she does stuff mostly to get Russia's attention and doesn't give much thought to others. On one hand, he can be psychopathic (killing a person for having a beard) and, Player characters. Unfortunately, the school's IT administrator eventually ruled the project a hacking attempt due to multiple UNIX rlogin attempts from across the globe. Peeves the Poltergeist is a literal spirit of chaos. The fact that he's technically responsible for everything going haywire probably didn't help. [7], The MUD's software is divided into two sections — the mudlib and the driver. With Byleth at his side on the Azure Moon route, he eventually recovers and returns to, spurring him to tell Zaveid to put a bullet in his head if he ever transformed. to save the entire gnome race from The Bleaching, kidnapped infants, Ghat included, and raised them as its own. Lightweight with taped seams. Some examples include Taxi (providing magical transportation around the game world), OOC (for roleplayers to chat and organise events out of character), and Begorrah (for Irish players to chat and organise meeting up in real life). "Lynscar" Reith, Evan Scott, Derek "Ceres" Harding, Jake "Sojan" Greenland, project community, This page was last edited on 14 May 2021, at 04:35. and more about a strong dislike for tradition, order, routine, and laws. The "chaotic" part of their personality is less about being "LOL so random!" Kubrow Cosmetics consist of fur colors, patterns and collars for the domestic Kubrow. Unpredictable, alternately helpful and malicious. Characters begin with seven lives, which can be replaced in-game. The largest divergence from canon, however, is the addition of a range of divine magic not unlike that described in the Warhammer Fantasy or Dungeons and Dragons systems, mostly restricted to a small number of player-worshippable gods. They never pick a side unless their freedom is put at stake and. Add The Flame Princess to the list, though her father insists that she's evil. While not nearly as bad as Lemongrab, he still puts his own freedom and desires ahead of others. Many poor players also confuse Chaotic Neutral with "batshit crazy": a Chaotic Neutral character is not equally likely to jump off a bridge as he is to cross it, that would rather be Chaotic Stupid, and a competent Chaotic Neutral generally tries to avert being just that — although a player choosing to jump off a bridge is probably not all that interested in participating, anyway. Members of the Imperium describe them as a capricious, fickle force of the universe like the aforementioned Orks and Tyranids, yet realise that allying with them is often the difference between victory and defeat. The soldier, if not transitioning between, The goblin race as a whole, who care about nothing but their own personal freedom, profit, and explosions — in that order. Nobody else does. Note that only Kubrows that are fully activated after stasis can be customized. This seems to be the default alignment of elementals in the Warcraft universe. [18], In Total PC Gaming, UK edition, Discworld was 2nd of the Top Three MUDs in the MMO Supplement in issue 7, and received a special mention in the MMO Supplement in issue 15, in the "We Love" section. Their thought processes are generally non-linear, they leap from idea to seemingly (often actually) unrelated ideas for the sole purpose of learning new things, regardless of what those new things are and often without even questioning why they need to know them. Many players of Chaotic Neutral also have a tendency to end up in Good groups, playing Chaotic Good characters and doing things that are generally good, not just selfish — maybe feeling the need to Kick the Dog occasionally (even arbitrarily) for the purposes of a Character Check, to "neutralise" their Karma Meter. This attitude is also partially a cover for his own insecurities and sense of failure in being a good dwarf. These magistrates have the ability to develop player law, which they can also carry out. It's complicated by the Faeries'. It now consists of areas that attempt to simulate several big cities (Ankh-Morpork, Bes Pelargic, Genua and Djelibeybi) on two continents, a larger number of smaller towns, and more than a million rooms which form the land between the cities and towns, with markers designating canon cities yet to be built.[4].
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