Related words - efflorescent synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. historical efflorescence" in South Asian studies.9 In the 1990s, Subaltern Studies became a hot topic in academic circles on several continents; a weapon, magnet, target, lightning rod, hitching post, icon, gold mine, and fortress for scholars ranging across disciplines from history to political This page provides all possible translations of the word efflorescence in almost any language. Efflorescence is a whitish, powdery deposit on the surface of rocks or soil in dry regions. Technical Literature. efflorescence translation in English-Spanish dictionary. Efflorescence is the process of losing water of hydration from a hydrate. The essential process involves the dissolving of an internally held salt in water, or occasionally in another solvent. 3.2 Efflorescence of sulphates on clay brick masonry Efflorescence of sulphates occurs often as an intense, white and fluffy deposit on the surface of clay bricks and sometimes also on mortar joints. 8 The efflorescence of the novel in the eighteenth century Efflorescence is a white deposit of powders in the surface of cement concrete which can also occur in geopolymers. For core discourses on African community in relation with the individual, see Wiredu, Kwasi & Gyekye, Kwame (eds.) T. Ritchie. in modern definitions of literature. Uniclass2015 - Pr_35_31_65_27 Efflorescence control compounds Enmity (Page 14) Deep seated hatred; State of being an enemy. Example sentences containing efflorescent Definition of Efflorescence. The water, with the salt now held in solution, migrates to the surface, then evaporates, leaving a coating of the salt. Define effloresence. The genus isis, or coral, in the order of zoophytes, or composite animals, efflorescing like vegetables, is an animal in the form of a plant, with a stony stem, jointed, and the joints longitudinally channelled, united by spongy or horny junctures, covered by a soft porous cellular flesh or bark, and having a mouth beset with oviparous polypes. Definition of efflorescent in the Fine Dictionary. CBD-2. (chemistry) The formation of a powdery surface on crystals, as a hydrate is converted to anhydrous form by losing loosely … The shift from "poesy" to "literature" appears to involve neither a fundamental change in theoretical definition, nor a significant realignment of the genres subsumed by either of these terms. Efflorescence control compound are described by characteristics such as composition. Decorous (Page 15) Exhibiting appropriate behavior or conduct. Unfortunately, it is not restricted to stone masonry, and walls of other units, notably bricks, must be included. After a brief literature survey on efflorescence formation in alkali-activated or geopolymer binders, the chapter focuses on methods to reduce efflorescence formation in alkali-activated or geopolymer binders, including careful adjustment of chemical composition of the material, application of curing conditions and utilization of special additives. Definition. Repeatedly commercially minded interpretations are underdeveloped. Popular Search CHAPTER ONE: VOCABULARY TERM DEFINITION(S) Efflorescence (Page 12) Blooming of flowers, state of flowering. Efflorescence. According to a dictionary definition efflorescence is a crystalline deposit on the face of a stone wall. Translate efflorescence into Spanish. These values define and guide relations in the form of attitudes and behaviours that should really exist be- tween individuals, living together and sharing a social life as well as a sense _____ 1. Definition and effects. effloresence synonyms, effloresence pronunciation, effloresence translation, English dictionary definition of effloresence. See more. Chorister (Page 22) A singer or leader of a choir. Find 7 ways to say EFFLORESCENCE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. An example use may be within a multi-colour coating system. From this complex period of interpenetrating influences and experiences arose a cultural efflorescence throughout the African Diaspora. 1. the process of drying out from evaporation. Related words - efflorescence synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. 2. a rash or eruption. Salt efflorescence is a common degradation process in masonry materials such as concrete and brick and was studied extensively [ 8 , 10 , 11 ]. Effloresce definition, to burst into bloom; blossom. What Efflorescence of Caricature does not do then is approach these problems with clarity, nor does it, somewhat ironically for such a radical collection of essays, reconsider a number of orthodoxies surrounding reception, production, and commercial environment. Learn more. 1,5). Originally published February 1960. Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature: 1. efflorescence: see hydrate hydrate, chemical compound that contains water. In an attempt to recreate the culture they left behind, they elect Ralph to lead, with the intellectual Piggy as counselor. efflorescence: [ ef″lo-res´ens ] 1. the quality of being efflorescent . It began with Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto (1765), then traveled through Ann Radcliffe, Matthew Gregory Lewis, Charles Robert Maturin, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Charlotte Brontë and Emily Brontë, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Brockden… Traducir efflorescence de Inglés a español. efflorescent: [ ef″lo-res´ent ] becoming powdery by losing the water of crystallization. Notable works of art, literature, and scholarship, as well as political and religious innovations, resulted from this intercontinental cross-fertilization of … The term means "to flower out" in French, describing the migration of a salt from a porous material to produce a coating that resembles a flower. It's white, sometimes with a grayish tint, and flakes off the masonry surface. All soluble In chemistry, efflorescence (which means "to flower out" in French) is the migration of a salt to the surface of a porous material, where it forms a coating. Get free homework help on William Golding's Lord of the Flies: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. Pronunciation of efflorescence and its etymology. efflorescencies efflorescency efflorescent effloresces: efflorescing efflower effluence effluences effluencies effluency effluent effluents effluous; Literary usage of Efflorescence. It is formed as mineral-rich water rises to the surface through capillary action and then evaporates. A common hydrate is the familiar blue vitriol, a crystalline form of cupric sulfate. In chemistry, efflorescence means the growth of salt crystals on a surface caused by evaporation of salt-laden water. cence Would you like to know how to translate efflorescence to other languages? Efflorescence. 1  It sparkles. efflorescence definition: 1. the period when flowers start to appear on a plant 2. the production of a lot of art, especially…. A. Robert Lee and Alan Velie note that the book's title "quickly gained currency as a term to describe the efflorescence on literary works that followed the publication of N. … The word efflorescence means "to flower out" in French, but this flowering leaves an unattractive residue behind. Efflorescence usually consists of gypsum, salt, or calcite. Weltliteratur Goethe 1827, Marx and Engels 1847 Universal literature, expresses humanity A concert among all literature produced “by man about man” Not a selective collection of great books or world classics, nor a best-of collection Efflorescence of interest in this term in 21 st century – why? Meaning of efflorescence with illustrations and photos. Definition. 6. Definition of Efflorescence. 1. n. Flowering, or state of flowering; the blooming of flowers; blowth. It is formed as mineral-rich water rises to the surface through capillary action and then evaporates. Example sentences containing efflorescence en The late twentieth century saw an efflorescence of the mathematical theory of rigidity, which continues in the twenty-first century. " The above definition of efflorescence is largely employed in building technology science but it differs from that accepted in chemistry . Efflorescence is a whitish, powdery deposit on the surface of rocks or soil in dry regions. What does efflorescence mean in French? Deliquescence occurs when the vapour pressure of the solution that is formed is less than the partial pressure of water vapour in the air. Efflorescence. Meaning of efflorescent with illustrations and photos. Deliquescence, the process by which a substance absorbs moisture from the atmosphere until it dissolves in the absorbed water and forms a solution. In all investigated cases, it appeared already during construction of the buildings, before masonry units were pointed (Fig. Efflorescence usually consists of gypsum, salt, or calcite. Definition of efflorescence in the Fine Dictionary. 1. The gothic novel is a living tradition, a form that enjoys great popular appeal while provoking harsh critical judgments. Find words for efflorescence in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary. Pronunciation of efflorescent and its etymology. Noun. The following technical literature is intended to help concrete producers, specialty contractors, architects, engineers, and specifiers who are working with technologies for new construction, maintenance, repair or renovation of structures. In Lord of the Flies , British schoolboys are stranded on a tropical island.
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