It's either keep the baby and tell my husband nothing, or abort. All these happened while I was away for an official trip/training. All pregnancy, parenting, and birth videos >, the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. She said she was gonna tell me eventually. I have been casually dating a couple of guys prior to finding out I'm pregnant. I was having safe sex and got pregnant. Order her book, How to Talk to Your Kids about Your Divorce: Healthy, Effective Communication Techniques for Your Changing Family. Maybe I was just a lesson in her life? I’m only in the picture because of the baby. Whether you made a mistake or not, it's done so focusing on it seems like a scarlet letter move to me. Is it wrong to date while pregnant with another man's child? He asked to take her out. Good luck and thanks for writing in. Of course you can decide to just tell your husband nothing about the affair, but I think it is very different since a child is involved. By VenomLugz, 11 years ago on Dating. Aug. 16, 2013, 8:30 AM PDT. Most Texas judges will refuse to issue a divorce decree during the pregnancy, even when the husband is not the biological father. Part of HuffPost News. I hung up and broke down in tears because the woman I was in love with, the woman who once asked me to marry her, and the woman who told me she wanted her first child to be by me was pregnant y another man. Your relationship is with him, not the baby mama. If this was a one night stand then I think maybe there could be a future for you and your husband, or even if you were committed to telling him the baby isn't his, like these people. This situation sounds doomed on many levels. Of course if he will react abusively, then you cannot tell him. I really just feel bad for you and your baby as this all could have been prevented by using reliable birth control. I got pregnant by a plutonic friend bc Mr. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Life if messy. I would say a woman is free to date whomever she wants even in this situation, but at the same time I do believe the baby should come first and not dating. Of course, we are going to have to modify the no contact rule a little bit since you are pregnant and your ex does have a right to know what is going on. “When I called my ex and asked him to sign the waiver, I thought he was going to have a heart attack,” Angela says. How will I handle being a single teenage mom? You are also taking away your child's chance to know his father, who is at the very least, not abusive and "a nice guy" by your estimation. What rights does the husband have if the wife becomes pregnant and has a child before the divorce is final. We are both scared and unsure. Why one in ten husbands cheats on his PREGNANT wife: We meet the mothers who have suffered the ultimate betrayal. THEN you can think about dating. twice while i was there. Fast forward to six weeks ago, I found out that I'm pregnant with the other man's child. Don't get pregnant or impregnate someone before your divorce is final. That baby didn’t ask for the situation and deserves the best and if the mother has some info and support it will benefit the baby. What do I do? The due date of 23rd June 2014 sounds about right. My husband knows I'm pregnant, but of course thinks it's his. Originally filed for a uncontested divorce. If this was ever uncovered, you would risk your husband leaving you and your child, and destroying your child's life and conception of himself and his father. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. By Gilda Carle. When she was six months … That last ditch effort failed and she lost feelings for me. If people did this one simple thing, meaning never had unprotected sex unless they were in a monogamous committed relationship and were planning to have sex, the world would be a lot less stressful of a place to live in. This time it happened immediately. Tell her you’ve said nothing to date, but because you are not the cruel person she is portraying as, you are going to begin to tell people the truth. I was in a bad place in my life and in my mind and sought the comfort of another. She loved him and she would have loved his baby. This post was originally published here on Dr. Psych Mom. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. How can I discourage strangers who want to touch my belly? Best of luck. He has cheated on me, before we were married, abused me, and all sorts of things however the abuse and cheating has stopped as far as I know. But she still jumped headfirst into a new relationship with this guy. Personally I feel many women put them and not their baby first. He understands … “He texted me all day, to make sure he wasn’t going to be responsible for another man’s baby. University of Arkansas System 2404 North University Avenue Little Rock, Arkansas 72207 (501) 686-2500 Staff Directory | Privacy Policy. I don’t love easy and when I do it’s deep and passionate. Nicole Curtis Baby Daddy : Her baby bump picture at her social media page shows that she is pregnant; children birth date is in August 2015. So you need to do the opposite. During pregnancy, ... with one baby in early 2010 and then conceived another roughly 2 … I am married, but I had a baby with another man. Do socialize … This week, one reader says her boyfriend of six years split when he learned she was pregnant and another says he's frustrated by his … Right hasn't shown up & my AMH levels were screaming now or never. Follow Dr. Rodman on Dr. Psych Mom, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. This was just six weeks ago. well i got back to my state on jan. 1st. Clinical psychologist, author, founder of These three women were all victims of their husband's infidelity while … My Girlfriend Is Pregnant For Another Man by Nobody: 7:12pm On Aug 07, 2010. when i was pregnant he disappeared from … The Blackman: Hi Addicted, I feel you need to step back for a moment and really look at your situation. I deeply regret the chaos I have caused and would like some help in finding direction. I suggest that you go into therapy ASAP to get help with making this decision, as it is the hardest decision you will ever likely have to make. You might remember me in last Oct about between me and her. But really, you are bringing a child into a marriage with a recent history of both partners cheating, and a history of abuse, and you will be lying about the baby's biological dad. I visited him several times while the woman he’d cheated on me with was pregnant, but he only told me he was going to be a dad months later via text. well we had sex the last time on either dec. 29th or the 30th. It's either keep the baby and tell my husband nothing, or abort. The man I'm pregnant by knows and says he is willing to go along with whatever I decide. i am pregnant either 4 or 5 weeks pregnant. This is a very well written and emotionally open post about a situation that generally lead to strong opinions: the idea of staying with a partner who cheated. Для получения последней информации о помощи во время пандемии перейдите на нашу страницу обновлений коронавируса (covid-19). Question - (5 January 2011) : 18 Answers - (Newest, 4 May 2017): A female age 30-35, anonymous writes: A question to all males out there or females in my situation. I’ve never been one to share or be open about my emotions and I feel as if my whole world is crashing. Good luck with your pregnancy! But his complete detail is in secret. But I cannot stress enough how worried I am everyday that she’s more worried about dating than our baby. Nairalanders, I am facing the most difficult moment of my life. I am considering dating while pregnant to someone else. she didn't know that she's pregnant after in 4 month later. I don't know if I should have an abortion or keep the baby. Pregnancy will prolong your case until the baby is born so that the court can verify paternity and determine custody and support requirements. Or was it your husband pushing or the IVF? My Girlfriend Is Pregnant For Another Man - Romance - Nairaland. Move on!!! Our relationship has been rocky from the start, and I decided to marry him because I loved him, or so I thought, but mainly because of my own dysfunction. Take into consideration these key points: 1) He is having a baby with another woman and you said he … The Do's of Dating During a Divorce. Because NC on a man who has left you while you are pregnant seems to have an increased effect since he is going to assume that you are going to beg for him back. This would be lying to your husband and your child for a lifetime. ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. But is there any possibility that he would forgive you, even after extensive couples work and lots of grief, and you could welcome this baby in an honest way into a loving union? Obviously you want a baby badly. I was careless and stupid for thinking it wouldn't happen that easily. anyway, well, I've been discovering that I found out she's pregnant by someone last oct that she met. Even if another man steps forward to accept responsibility as the biological father, the judge will not allow the divorce case to move forward until after the baby is born and paternity is established. As for "planned" pregnancies, I have seen many people who wanted to be parents turn out being terrible ones. This is the hardest decision of my life! I really love him so much but am scared I'm ganna lose him over this pregnancy cause I don't even intend on keeping it. After I initially found out about the cheating, I was heartbroken. We stopped talking. This situation sounds doomed on many levels.
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